Dennis Ohrtman 208.791.2567
Co-President: Patricia Hoch 509-552-9480
- Third Wednesday, Sept. - May
- Dues: $30 per year ($15.00 State dues and $15.00 Local)
- Location: Hell's Canyon Grand Hotel.
- Time: 11:30 A.M.
- Cost: The meal prices are Salad bar option is approximately $18.00 and buffet bar is approximatey $22.00.
Programs for 2024-2025
Sept. :
Oct. 16: Mona Jack, Adult Protective Services of the AAA
Nov. 19: Scholarship Auction
Dec. 18: Christmas music performed by the Lewiston HIch School
Jan. 15: Individual book reports from members and book exchange
Feb. 19: Lynn Johnson, Lewiston City Librarian
March 16: TBD
April 16: Patt's Garden Center
May 21: Brown bag exchange, installation of officers
Community Service Projects:
- Value of Hours: $70,114
- Food drive for local food banks
- $1,000 scholarship to LCSC, education major
- Idaho State Veteran's Home - many projects for the residents.